Health & Safety

Before using Studio 18, everyone working on the set-up and management of your event or exhibition will need to do an in-person Health & Safety induction.

You can arrange the Health & Safety induction via

Risk Assessment

It is important a full Risk Assessment is carried out for every event because each one will use the space in a different way. You must add the risks specific to your activities and the signatures from you, the event organiser, and your course coordinator or sponsor.

Info Pack

Once you make a booking we will provide you with an info pack setting out everything you’ll need to know to host a safe, productive event. By booking Studio 18 you will be agreeing to follow our building specific operational protocols and policies, and to uphold UAL’s commitment to sustainable, ethical, and inclusive working, as well as observing the University’s wellbeing and safeguarding policies.

You can take a look now – Studio 18 Info Pack