Studio Principles

Our professional practice ethos means your experience will be as close as possible to a ‘real world’ one with all the freedom and responsibility. The onsite team is on hand to support you, but the logistics, running and management of your event will be all down to you.

Here’s a quick checklist to make sure you have considered everything:

Your responsibilities

  • Read through and complete relevant Health and Safety documentation. 
  • Complete the Booking Form.
    Staff events should take into consideration how the event will promote students’ professional development.
  • Complete a Risk Assessment for your event and implement any necessary mitigation measures.
  • Comply with the ‘Do’s & Don’ts’, particularly in relation to no drilling into walls due to the risk of asbestos and use of ladders.
  • Arrange a Health & Safety induction for everyone working on your event or exhibition.
  • Recognise Health and Safety processes: Fire procedures, First Aiders, Emergency Exits, etc.
  • Make an event agenda and arrange entry time with the space staff.
  • Source funds for:
    • materials and installation
    • staffing through Arts Temps (event assistants, filming and photography)
    • refreshments service, placement and pickup
  • Invite guests or set up an Eventbrite.
  • Promote your event via the Millbank Tower Podium website, CCW Student and Staff Newsletters, Social Media etc.
At the event
  • Make sure you have enough invigilators (fully Health & Safety inducted) to manage visitors for the full duration.
  • Stick to the Studio Principles.
  • Follow all mitigation in line with your Risk Assessment.
  • Respect neighbours working in the building.
  • Outside the studios’ normal opening hours (Mon-Fri 10am-6pm), you will need to provide a Fire marshal and a First aider if the Space Supervisor can’t attend.
  • Undertake the closing duties as instructed by the Space Supervisor.
Post event
  • Return the space in the condition in which you received it – remove all work, packaging and/or rubbish from the space, as well as remove any fixings from the walls.

What we offer

Studio18 is open for CCW student and staff events.

  • Desks and chairs
  • Limited access to WIFI
  • Bicycle parking
  • Recycling and general waste bins
  • Female, male and gender-neutral toilets 
  • Accessible entrance
  • Courier deliveries
  • Shared sinks for washing out paints, (water-based only and strictly no plaster, concrete, silicone, latex or resin work) in Studio 8
  • Ladder
  • Cleaning equipment
  • Hand tools such as screwdriver, hammer, spirit level and measuring tape
  • Paint, filler, sandpaper, scrapers and brushes
  • Plinths, false walls/boards, signage boards
  • Extension leads
  • Promotion of the events on the What’s on’ section of our website.

What you need to provide yourself:

  • Installation materials such as fixings, paint, masking tape–it is important not to drill into wall because of the risk of disturbing asbestos
  • Audiovisual and lighting equipment (can be hired from Chelsea Central Loan Store)
  • Barware and anything for drinks reception

Do’s and Don’t’s

Our professional practice are ‘open access’, no teaching is permitted. We also expect everyone working and visiting the space to follow our protocols and policies:  

What you CAN doWhat you CAN’T do
Use water-based paints, watercolour, acrylics and ink
Wash out brushes in the sinks in communal studios 8 and 9
No oil paint, spray paint, or solvent based materials can be used anywhere in the building
Strictly no plaster, concrete, silicone, latex or resin work
Fix artwork to walls with tape, pins, blu-tac, stapling or other temporary fixings
Pining into false walls/boards only
No hammering or screwing nails into walls without prior permission
RISK: asbestos in walls of old building
Use tools provided in the studios, make sure you check power tools for any damage before usingNo personal power tools or other electric equipment or materials to be used, without prior authorisation from Course Leaders
Charge devices safelyDon’t overload electrical sockets or ‘daisy chain’ extension leads
Follow best practice for cutting, always using a mat and dispose of blades in the sharps binsDon’t leave blades or other potentially dangerous equipment unattended
Make use of the reuse and recycle bins provided in the studiosDon’t dispose of materials in the general waste
Always move heavy objects, like furniture and equipment with someone else, and make sure the Space Supervisor knows what you’re doingOnly use ladders if you’ve done ‘working at height’ training and follow the correct procedure
Store work in progress and materials and/or equipment on a temporary basis only in line with your booking slot, and at your own riskNo permanent storage of work or any possessions (any items will be disposed of following one formal notice to remove)
Use designated smoking areasStrictly no smoking, vaping or drugs in the studios
Serve alcohol at events and exhibition private views up to 11pm (no sale)No alcohol should be consumed in UAL studios, with the exception of organised private views for exhibitions and events
Be an ambassador for UAL and respect our neighboursDon’t do anything to disturb other people working or visiting Millbank Tower Podium
Be part of the team, collaborate–this is a professional practice community, be kind to yourself and other students Keep noise down, avoid messy or smelly food, leave the space clean and tidy ready for the next student


The CCW Millbank Tower Podium Team are on hand to support and guide you.

Calie Calatayud, Space Supervisor:

Martha Short, Space Assistant:

George Hill-Baker, Space Assistant: