Bounce Fund Conference Exhibition Networking Event

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

At the very end point in the final year of our graphic design degree, we are beginning to feel the universal panic, stress and confusion at what comes next. How do we go about getting a job? Who is going to hire us? Do we even know what we want to do? How do we get there? 

It feels daunting and impossible to break into the creative industry. Despite loving our course and working so hard for the past three or four years it still feels like an unfeasible task. This is something we find ourselves constantly discussing with friends and peers as we reach this crossroads in our lives. 

This exhibition ‘Not My Circus Not My Monkeys’ aims to create a space to capture this shared feeling whilst giving a platform to a group of ten talented emerging artists. Working together and discussing our worries, fears and problems means we can begin to face our creative industry, break through and begin to change it together. 

Alice & Ellie

Featuring work from Bella Jordan Armstrong, Charlotte Brown, Frederica Marlow, Joe Jacobs, Jonah Rose, June Chan, Ned Collyer, Oliver Mansell, Ollie Norris and Sophie Adelaide.

Exhibition Workshop

BA Photography – Curatorial Workshop

1st year BA Photography students at Camberwell College of Art tried their hand at curation in Studio 18, as part of their ongoing professional practice development. The workshop began with a group discussion, during which students discussed the thematic and pragmatic elements of curating an exhibition. They reflected on how to bring about a conversation between artworks, with practical considerations regarding space, as well as the arrangement of artworks, in mind. Students then worked together to install 6 mini exhibitions practically.

The workshop culminated in the group curating and installing an exhibition of their own works, this time referring to thematic principles.


The Essence of Being

Caitlin Deiter, Grace Shiels, Lilian Wuerth, Marcie Bradley-Green and Ngai Ning Yu curate “The Essence of Being” exhibition. Collectively exploring what remains throughout life and death, memory and imagination.