Bounce Fund Conference Exhibition Networking Event

Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys

At the very end point in the final year of our graphic design degree, we are beginning to feel the universal panic, stress and confusion at what comes next. How do we go about getting a job? Who is going to hire us? Do we even know what we want to do? How do we get there? 

It feels daunting and impossible to break into the creative industry. Despite loving our course and working so hard for the past three or four years it still feels like an unfeasible task. This is something we find ourselves constantly discussing with friends and peers as we reach this crossroads in our lives. 

This exhibition ‘Not My Circus Not My Monkeys’ aims to create a space to capture this shared feeling whilst giving a platform to a group of ten talented emerging artists. Working together and discussing our worries, fears and problems means we can begin to face our creative industry, break through and begin to change it together. 

Alice & Ellie

Featuring work from Bella Jordan Armstrong, Charlotte Brown, Frederica Marlow, Joe Jacobs, Jonah Rose, June Chan, Ned Collyer, Oliver Mansell, Ollie Norris and Sophie Adelaide.

Conference Workshop

CAP Symposium: Art Beyond the Commodity

Chelsea MA Fine Art and Royal College of Art Contemporary Art Practice students were asked to participate in a workshop at Millbank Podium on 16.1.24 to rethink the commodity. Artists and lecturers Pil and Galia Kollectiv asked them to go to a retail space of their choice in the week before the workshop and photograph part of the display they thought was working to persuade them to buy the goods in the shop. They then discussed the concept of commodification and its relationship to art and worked in small groups to think about that which is not yet commodified and how it might be. Finally, the groups presented their findings and talked about the social consequences of the process of commodification.

The workshop led to an exhibition at Chelsea’s Cookhouse Gallery and a symposium at the Royal College of Art, both of which Chelsea and RCA students were invited to contribute to.

Conference Focus Group Workshop

DesignInquiry Work/Around

DesignInquiry Work/ Around, part of the 2023 London Design Festival programme, was a weeklong risograph print and publication workshop aiming to subvert the notion of the obstacle as a barricade to creativity; instead, posing the idea that accepting and working around difficulties or disadvantages during the creative process can be conducive to thoughtfulness, imagination, and artistry.

Participants visited the space throughout the week for a series of workshops, presentations and talks curated by DesignInquiry, a multidisciplinary collective researching and developing new strategies for design. DesignInquiry is led by UAL’s Peter Hall, a reader in Graphic Design at CCW. He employs mapping and visualisation techniques as interactive design methods, with a specific emphasis on addressing issues related to the climate crisis, risk, and security.

Conference Exhibition

KHARITES Exhibition

THE PIECE PALETTE PRESENTS KHARITES, an exhibition of multi-disciplinary work from twenty artists – including paintings, sculptures, installation work, photography and more.

Hosted at the brand-new UAL event space at Millbank Tower, the exhibition will explore themes and ideas around THE KHARITES, three goddesses thought to embody grace, beauty, creativity, adornment, joy, festivity, dance and song.

KHARITES were thought to preside over the pleasures of life including play, amusement, happiness, rest and relaxation. Through this exhibition, we will explore how this translates into art today, and how we can embrace the playfulness of the Kharites within the contemporary world.

The Piece Palette invites you to our exhibition opening next Friday August 11th, including free drinks, DJ sets, and a panel talk with some of the featured artists.

We’ll discuss how we define beauty and creativity in the modern world, and how the divine and ethereal are weaved between the threads of our work.

Come hang out in our female and nb only space, make friends, collabs, explore and bask in a celestial, feminine vibe.

FRIDAY 11.08.23
18:30 – 22:30
30 Millbank Road

Special thanks to UAL and Lucas for the poster design

ARTISTS: Sophie Pywell, Tatum Parden, Verity Woolley, Megan Wright, Robin Clark, Balbina Boch, Wai Yi Chung, Daelyn Serafini, Mia Hassall, Kate Street, Hannah Dempsey, Judy Clarkson, Emma Weller, Claudia Tong, Lindy Giusta

PHOTOGRAPHERS: Emilia Ashby, Kyleen Hengel Haupt, Yinsey Wang, Zoja Kalinovskis, Margarita Velentza


DISCLAIMER: While this is a space designed for and by female and non-binary creatives, all individuals are welcome to attend x


Design & Material Practices Awayday

Research, knowledge, exchange and teaching & learning awayday with presentations by Kate Goldsworthy, Dr. Jason Cleverly, Cecilia Lnagemar, Dr. Matthew Crowley, Michael Robinson, Emma Smith, Sicgmone Kludje, Dr. Elaine Igoe and Caryn Simonson.